About Meg


Meg Clark has been a professor of literature and writing for eighteen years and a writer since the age of six. She was awarded her PhD in American literature and history on the same day that she received her AARP card. Born in Concord, Massachusetts, she lived the first eighteen years of her life in Carlisle, Massachusetts before trekking on to Iowa, Texas, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, and Florida.

Her first novel, The Road to Caledonia, a contemporary literary novel with a touch of magic realism, has been a selection for many book clubs and guest appearances. Currently, she is working on her second novel, BRADFORD FALLS, a mystery set on Cape Cod in 1965.

Meg creates contemporary novels for women that both entertain and invite introspection. She seeks to enliven the reader’s life through characters that reflect the joy and sorrow of human existence leaving the reader with a sense that finding the best in oneself is possible. Meg aspires to create novels that showcase the individual’s capacity to triumph in an often challenging and unsympathetic world. In the final analysis, why does Meg write?

Because she cannot dance.